Success Stories
Our organization has evolved with the needs of our community and we have had a significant impact. Our past success has paved the way for us to continue to develop new opportunities. Here are some examples of how we have improved the quality of life in our community.
Chef Training Program
This program, which was funded by a Grant from the state’s Department of Education, gave participants the credentials to enter the food production and management business and helped many in the Chinatown community achieve economic viability.

Job Readiness and Training Center
An Office of Community Services Grant helped us open this training center in partnership with Bunker Hill Community College, the New England Medical Center and the Swissotel. We have provided job readiness, and English language skills and specialized job training for low-income residents in the Chinese community.
CEDC Business Center
An Office of Community Services Grant helped us create a small business and micro-enterprise incubator program allowing a motivated entrepreneur to start a small business in a safe environment that provided technical assistance and other day to day business needs. Thirteen commercial office suites where created at 65 Harrison Avenue and rented at below market rates. This type of self-sufficiency through assisted support has certainly enhanced the life of individuals and their families in the community.

China Trade Center
A significant Grant from HUD, additional financing from the City of Boston and private investment through equity syndication provided funding needed to establish this six-story hub of first class retail, office and restaurant space that helped extend and anchor the northern border of Chinatown eliminating a blighted, “combat zone” area that had impinged on our neighborhood.
Chinatown Beautification
We are always deeply concerned with addressing the unique environmental and public health challenges faced in our neighborhood which is a densely packed combination of commercial and residential spaces. We have organized and lead multiple programs and projects over the years to help improve the neighborhood environment. Examples include – purchasing a street sweeping rider to help with routine street clean-ups, installed large sidewalk trash receptacles to help control litter. Worked with local residents and merchants to establish inspection standards, coordinate trash collection, install flower planters, install signage, install decorative marble Chinese character pavers and received a Mass Arts Grant to commission a full wall mural which was painted on our Oxford Place building.

Mei Wah Village
We partnered with South Cove Nursing Home to provide affordable housing for elderly in our community. Through the benefit of a HUD Grant, all 41 housing units are designated low income, for frail or elderly residents and are subsidized through the lifetime of the project.